Hydro-Handle HHBLKIT Drill Bit Set,Polished,0.314 in. RS298_FJW62

$152.66  $66.68

Product details:

HHBLKIT Includes Only: 1 x 6 mm / 1/4 inch 1 x 8 mm / 5/16 inch 1 x 10 mm / 3/8 inch 1 x 12 mm / 1/2 inch 1 x 18 mm / 3/4 inch 1 x 25 mm / 1 inch 1 x 32 mm / 1-3/4 inch 1 x 35 mm / 1-3/8 inch 1 x 40 mm / 1-1/2 inch 1 x 50 mm / 2 inch Accurate Drill Guide Allen Wrench Hydro-Handle dia-mond drill bit is recommended for precise drilling of tile, glass, stained glass, granite, marble, onyx, quartz and other hard materials including precious and semi precious material such as garnet, amethyst, aquamarine, emerald and tanzanite. Hydro-Handle dia-mond drill bit is manufactured using lathed uni body design to resist fatigue cracks caused by tension, heat, pressure, RPM and vibration. Advanced metallurgical bonding procedures allow for a superior embedded layer of Dia-mond substrate for longer wear life and finish consistency resulting in uniformed drilling profile and long life. Highly uniformed Dia-mond bedding prevents chiping when working delicate materials. Hydro-Handle dia-mond drill bit is designed for use with all 3/8 and 1/2 inch cordless drills as well as the Hydro-Handle dia-mond drilling system. A liquid coolant such as water is required when drilling with Hydro-Handle dia-mond drill bit.